I refer to life coaching as a kind of counselling that solves specific human problems. The offer is aimed primarily at persons in crisis, which can be managed with an objective view, a change of approach and self-realization.
Specific difficulties that are addressed in life counselling relate/are related, for example, to work, social environment or personal development. People who seek advice often have a lot of stress due to an unbalanced daily life or a disagreement with close people. Some have to learn how to lose a loved one through separation or death, and others may feel that they are not enjoying life enough/as much as they should.
Other topics include difficulties in communication, making decisions, sabotage by others and self-sabotage, coming-outs, dependencies, searching for meaning, listlessness, re-orientation, integration in social environment and personality development issues that are frequently discussed at meetings.
I help people to turn their life development in a positive direction. It can be about very different things of everyday, or out of the ordinary life. For example, there is a prospect of a new job for or against which one simply cannot decide. It can be a change of residence or that of a partner. Maybe you question your life completely or only the meaning of its pastime. During life counseling countless questions arise, which need to be answered in my practice in order to bring more joy, happiness, confidence, harmony, success and relaxation in the lives of those affected. You will also find the opportunity to develop personally.
The “development of a personality”, is a kind of development which -turns each of us intoindividuals. This uniquecreature – man, which differs from other creatures, is in more or less advantageous relationship with himself and society. Personality development is about highlighting and fine-tuning those aspects of the personality which enable us to lead an authentic, confident and constructive existence with ourselves and our fellow human beings. It is an effort to grow as a human, to take responsibility for our well-being, to open up, to perceive new horizons and perspectives. In the very heart of this process stands willingness to acquire more knowledge.
Personality development means learning continuously by consciously advocating those aspects of our personality that we consider to be valuable and sincere, we free ourselves from the pressure of society and become more independent from the judgment of others, without isolating ourselves from our environment.
I think the decades of experience at home and abroad are making my skills as a supporter/coach very waluable. Caring for people, a strong sense of empathy, instinct and a high sense of responsibility are the most important qualities for coaching on the difficult path of change.
After studying musicology in Tbilisi, Georgia, followed master classes in Russia, Germany, France and the US. The recognition of my diploma by the Ministry of Education in the US state New York, paved the way for years of educational activity in the US and then in Germany. Afterwards I practiced and taught for many years at the Music and Art Academy in Ingolstadt Germany not only as a professor of music theory and art history, but also as Deputy Director of the Academy.
At the end of my pedagogical education I studied social education at the University of Tbilisi and worked for many years in the field of adult education in Ingolstadt, Germany. Specializing in psychoanalysis, personality education and mediation, I successfully devoted myself to life coaching as a consultant in various educational institutions.
My professional skills are shaped by different cultures in which I lived and worked. Exactly this fact makes my intercultural experiences with people of different nationalities so valuable. Knowledge and skills are constantly updated. Permanent training guarantees the quality of my work.
I am a mother of 2 own and 4 stepchildren. I speak English, German, Russian, Spanish and Georgian fluently. Consultations can also be conducted in these languages. Trusting relationship with customers is very important. It makes possible to respond to individual wishes and understand individual problems.
Convince yourself in the free first meeting.
Nina Limburg
Pedagogical support
Toblerstrasse 60
8044 Zürich
Mail: info@ninalimburg.ch
Tel: +41 (0)79 829 76 97
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